Find out which of these two adhesives work best for your hair system. The research has been done! Took some time, but definitely got the answer some of you have been looking for. To the many clients who have asked the difference between these two adhesives this blog is for you! We had even contacted our Walker Reps to make sure our points had validity. Since starting to stock up on Extreme Hold Glue we have been asked what the difference is between these two liquid adhesives – Extreme Hold and Ultra Hold Glue . First let’s get to know a little bit about the two: Extreme Hold is a silicone based adhesive. In fact, during the conversations with our Walker Representative they mentioned that silicone based glues were extremely popular before the Acrylic glues came into fame. Which, of course, is the Ultra Hold. The Ultra Hold glue is an acrylic adhesive and is newer in the market. It holds just as long as the Extreme hold. What is the DIFFERENCE? Well the real difference between th...
In-depth guide: non-surgical hair replacement system for men and women whose suffering from baldness, thinning hair, hair loss problems.